Miscellaneous Search Options

Refine your Contacts search using miscellaneous search options

Written by Jasmine Osman Caldeira

Last published at: August 16th, 2024

Search Options

  • Freelancers: Contacts that are not associated to a Company are automatically marked as Freelancers.

  • Profile Update Requested: 

    • At the bottom of Launchmetrics emails, recipients have the option to update their profile information.

By using this search field in Contact Manager, you can Accept or Deny the profile updates.

  • The information highlighted in blue is what will be saved to your Contacts database.

  • Unsubscribed to Mailings:

  • At the bottom of Launchmetrics emails, recipients have the option to unsubscribe from Launchmetrics emails.

    • If you accept the unsubscription request, no further action is necessary.

    • Click "View Unsubscription Details" to deny the unsubscription request. 

    • If you would like to deny the unsubscription request, click on the X next to the person's name for each type of mailing or "Deny All" for all mailing types. 

  • Permanent invalid emails: Emails that are permanently failing to send via Contacts Mailings

  • With Profile Picture: Contacts with a Profile picture uploaded 

  • Without Profile Picture: Contacts without a Profile picture assigned to their contact card