Adding Multiple Companies

Below you will find steps on how to upload multiple companies into your database via Import...

Written by Rudeen Evans

Last published at: December 27th, 2023

Importing Multiple Companies

Download and fill out the Companies Template. Department and Company Name are mandatory.  Please also note that you cannot move or delete any columns in these templates. 

Once complete, navigate back to your site

  • Under "New Import" select your "Import Type" as Companies from the drop-down menu.

  • Browse for your Excel template and select the "Import" button.

  • If there are any errors you will be redirected to the relevant sub-tab to process the errors.

NOTE: These importing errors will remain in these sub-tabs until they are either processed or deleted and are user-based.

NOTE: In order to process all errors, you will have to go through the list one by one, make the necessary corrections, and click "Validate and Continue" to remove them from this holding area.


  • Once you complete your import, the companies will automatically publish to your database.