Mentions API

Written by Francesco G

Last published at: April 26th, 2024

What is the benefit of the Mentions API for you ?

The Mentions API allows us to identify, on your behalf, placements from any Instagram profiles (Public, either Business, Creator or Personal) in which your brand has been tap-tagged or @mentioned.

What we found is that around 10% relevant IG placements come from accounts which are neither Business nor Creator. Whether you don’t have a specific reading list of influencers to follow or you want to expand your research area on potential partners or you just want to know everything being said around your brand, you need to connect !

Here are some key information regarding the Mentions API:

  • It enables us to provide you with all posts with Engagement Metrics even if the account posting is not in our reading list or non-business/creator.

  • Stories aren't managed by the Mentions API.

  • It is impossible to retrieve Historical data with Mentions API. We start collecting the data on the day you connect.

  • The API doesn't provide Number of Followers except for the Business or Creator profiles we track in our reading list. This means the filter by followers must be removed for Instagram posts in feed definition:


Facebook made it quite complex to connect to the Mentions API and more generally to get data from Facebook and Instagram but you can follow below process to make sure you get the content you need:

1. Make your brand's Instagram account either Business or Creator. Click here to know how.

2. Link the brand's Instagram account to the brand's Facebook account (or a Facebook with managing access to the Facebook account). Click here to know how.

3. Connect your brand's Facebook account to Discover when first logging into Discover (this is also mandatory to collect content from Facebook or Instagram into Discover).

It is also possible to connect via a profile with Admin or Editor accesses to the brand's Facebook account. Click here for more information.

4. Connect the brand's Instagram account via the brand's Facebook account previously connected to Discover in feed definitions (using the button "+ Connect a new account" below the query line and choosing "@mentions")

It is also possible to connect via a profile with Admin or Editor accesses to the brand's Facebook account. Click here for more information.

Feed definition before connecting Instagram

Account is connected but not yet selected to be monitored

5. Finally select the brand's Instagram account you want to monitor by choosing the account proposed as an option


Account being finally monitored