Instagram Business Accounts Explained

Written by Francesco G

Last published at: April 23rd, 2024





What is a Business Account? 

Any Instagram user can choose to switch to a business account. All of the basic features and functionalities are exactly the same. The difference between a personal and a business account is that Instagram has created analytics and insights tools for its business users.

Why would a user want to switch to a Business Account?


As a business account, influencers and media will have access to all of their metrics and the performance of their content. In addition, they're able to view their audience demographics. These powerful insights are key for them to negotiate campaigns, partnerships, and sponsored content. Finally, it allows the influencers an easy way to ensure they're compliant by allowing them to create branded content that indicates "paid partnership" posts.

How do I know if a profile is a Business Account?

All business accounts have to categorise their business profile. This self-selected category appears in light grey underneath the profile's name. Please note that a "verified" account (indicated by the blue check mark) is different than a business account and reserved for celebrities and mega influencers. Consumer (or non-business) accounts do not have this category on their profile.

Can Launchmetrics monitor content from Instagram Business Accounts? 

Yes, we monitor content from both business and non-business accounts as long as the content is not private.