Before you can import your contacts, you will first need to add all categories that you plan on using in your database. You will need to add categories to your database manager to successfully import your contacts later.

A category is the descriptive label that defines a Contact's Professional Industry.
These labels should be relatively general and limited to 5-8 different options to keep your database clean and concise. If you need to add more detail to a person's Professional Industry, that should be done using the Contact Type field.
Here are some examples of appropriate categories:
How do I add a Category?
- To add a new category to your database, navigate to : Contacts --> Category Manager.
- Click on "Create Category" when you're ready to create a new category.
- Enter the name of your new category and click on create to verify your request.
- You can also view/search existing categories by completing a search.
Note: Category data has to be entered exactly the same as it appears on your excel. This includes spacing and capitalisation (case sensitive). If not the information will be read as different entries and you will receive an error.
Note: If you are using special characters such as !, @,#,$,%,^,&,*, <, > please read the following support centre article on USING SPECIAL CHARACTERS.