Updated November 14th, 2023 by Sabrina Digirolamo

Filtering and Sorting medias in Galleries

Filtering Quick demo of filtering   What are filters? Filters are buttons available in the library allowing (as their names indicate) to filter the images seen in a given section. The filters are based on information specific to each image. Some are specific to the image and therefore automatically set and unmodifiable, while others are chosen and a...

2 min reading time
Updated May 19th, 2023 by Sabrina Digirolamo


The Voice Focus Section allows you to analyze in detail the Media strategy by Voice, in terms of MIV & Placements.  Example: How much a specific Voice generated in terms of MIV ?  You need to select the Period (e.g. from 01/01/23, to 31/03/23) and the Voice (e.g. Media: Grazia - IT or Influencer: Danielle Marcan, etc.) and eventually the Brands....

0 min reading time
Updated May 22nd, 2023 by Sabrina Digirolamo


The Brand Focus Section allows you to analyze in detail the Media strategy by individual brand (yours or one of your direct competitors), in terms of MIV & Placements.  Example: Which Voice / Placement generated more MIV for my brand or competitor's?  You need to select the Period (e.g. from 01/01/23, to 31/03/23) and the Brand, and eventually t...

0 min reading time
Updated May 22nd, 2023 by Sabrina Digirolamo


The Benchmark Section allows you to analyze the Media strategy of your brand and your direct competitors, in terms of MIV & Placements.  Example: What is the Media strategy of your direct competitors compared to yours?  You need to select the Period (e.g. from 01/01/23, to 31/03/23) and the Brands (you can select only one, a few or all of them) ...

0 min reading time
Updated June 12th, 2023 by Sabrina Digirolamo


The Industry Section allows you to have an overview of the Media strategy evolution of your brand and the competitors' of your Industry, in terms of MIV & Placements.   Example: How has the Media strategy of your brand and competitors evolved from Q1 2022 to Q1 2023?   You need to select the Period/s per month (e.g. January 23, February 23, Marc...

1 min reading time
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