🗓 released September 13th 2023
✅ New “Celebrities” tab on Spotlight homepage
Who are Celebrities?
Celebrities in Spotlight are all famous personas who attend the runway shows and are featured in the photographs related to that collection. They could be artists, influencers, famous editors etc.
How to find the photos featuring Celebrities?
A new tab called “Celebrities” has been added on the Spotlight homepage. By clicking it the users are brought to a page displaying all pictures from the celebrities album. The shooting context filter is automatically pre-set to be “Celebrities”.
In this way Spotlight users can more easily find celebrities content and understand who attended certain shows.

You might find images with “celebrities” tag but without the name of the featured celebrity. This will happen especially during the Fashion Week period and it is because the name tagging is still in progress. The name tags will successively appear with the time.