🗓 released May 2nd, 2023
⚙️ Manage Magazine Users
You can now easily manage the users of your magazine by accepting or refusing all new external requests. You can also modify the rights of each member, such as whether they can only see images or download them, or if they can become an admin in their turn. Additionally, you can invite specific people from your organization to join your team.

🪄 Generate Magic Link
You can generate a magic link that you can easily share to get people to join your team. This feature is designed to streamline your workflow and make it easier for you to collaborate with your team members.

✅ Designate Another Administrator
If you need to designate another administrator from your team members, you can do so right now. This feature gives you the flexibility to delegate tasks and responsibilities to other members of your team, so you can focus on what matters most.

Where to find this?
In your personal settings pane, you'll find the “manage my team” link.