The Industry Section allows you to have an overview of the Media strategy evolution of your brand and the competitors' of your Industry, in terms of MIV & Placements.
Example: How has the Media strategy of your brand and competitors evolved from Q1 2022 to Q1 2023?
You need to select the Period/s per month (e.g. January 23, February 23, March 23) and eventually the Voice (Media, Influencers, Celebrities, Partners, Owned Media), the Channel (Print, Online, Social) and the Location.
Note: The Media Voice takes into account all the channels of a media (e.g. Vogue: print magazine + online magazine + social media account).

In the Industry ranking by MIV Section is available a list, which you can export as Excel or Image, of all the Industry brands ranked according to the MIV and placements generated in the selected period.

Note: The See Brand button, next to a brand, indicates that they are part of the main competitors set in the Benchmark section.
For these brands you can see the details of their marketing campaigns in Brand and Voice Focus.
YoY (Year over Year) MIV evolution - of the Brand and the Industry
You can see the evolution of your brand and the all Industry compared to the same period last year. (E.g. If you filtered March 2023 the evolution is compared to March 2022)
YOMy brand’s rank
It indicates your rank position, relative to the entire industry, in terms of MIV generated for the selected period.

Other articles
Benchmark Section : Compare the Media strategy of your brand with your direct competitors
Brand Focus Section : Analyze the Media strategy by individual brand (yours and direct competitors')
Voice Focus Section : Analyze the Media strategy by Voice (Media, Influencers, Celebrities, Partners)
My Dashboard : Build your dashboard to gather the most important metrics and access all your KPIs