Archiving Events

Archiving Events Archive your past events Archiving an event will preserve the Invitee contact information at that specific event time, regardless of any future changes to contact details.

Written by Enrique Deolarte

Last published at: September 22nd, 2023

Archiving Events

Archive your past events
  • Archiving an event will preserve the Invitee contact information at that specific event time, regardless of any future changes to contact details.
  • For example, if Jane Doe worked at Elle Magazine at the time of your event 3 years ago and now works at Glamour, when running reports on your event, it will show that her company is Glamour. By not archiving the event, your reports may have faulty information. 
Options available for 'Archived' events:
  • Delete Event: This will delete your event from GPS Events. We do not recommend ever deleting.
  • System Notes: This is a detailed look at the system's activity history of the event. This will include the exact user, date, and notes on any changes to the event that were made. 
  • User Notes: This will allow you to view any previous user notes created regarding the event.
  • Event Reports: This will allow you to generate RSVP reports on your event.

I can't find my previous events, help!

  • If you are having issues with finding a previous event from 'Events Manager', be sure to tick off the 'Include Archive Events' button. This will pull up any event that has been previously archived.
  • If you still do not see your event listed, there is a strong possibility that the event was deleted.