MIV Improvements for Chinese Social Media Channels

Discover tips and strategies for making efficient improvements to the MIV process while working with Chinese partners.

Written by Andrea Sozzo

Last published at: September 25th, 2023

In the dynamic world of social media, the landscape is ever-changing! Keeping up with these changes is essential to ensure that key performance indicators (KPIs) accurately reflect the current context. In this article, we will explore the reasons behind the recent changes made to our MIV, on Chinese social media platforms.

Boosting the Importance of LittleRedBook


LittleRedBook holds a prominent position in the social media strategy of Luxury brands in China. To ensure that our MIV aligns with the unique dynamics of RedBook, we decided to increase the importance of this platform in comparison to other local networks.


To achieve this, we adjusted our MIV calculation algorithm to assign greater weight to audience and engagement metrics like favorites, recognizing their crucial role in user engagement and content discovery for RedBook.



Shifting Focus towards Engagement rather than the audience


Social media platforms are becoming increasingly competitive, and engagement has become a key indicator of content quality and user interaction. So, we reduced the overall emphasis on audience size and redirected our attention to engagement.


We adjusted the MIV algorithm to assign more weight to engagement metrics, highlighting its importance in the evolving social media landscape.



Aligning MIV for Douyin and TikTok Top Posts


Douyin and TikTok are sister platforms with similar user demographics and content styles. To maintain consistency and comparability, we aligned the MIV for these two platforms.


We harmonize the MIV calculations for Douyin and TikTok, ensuring that the MIV reflects the performance of top posts consistently across both platforms.



Introduction of Fake Followers Ratio


In an effort to maintain the integrity of our data and ensure that MIV accurately reflects genuine engagement, we introduced a fake followers ratio. This metric helps identify and remove suspicious followers from the audience during MIV computation.


The fake followers ratio is incorporated into the MIV calculation as a quality control measure. Suspicious or inactive followers are downgraded in terms of their contribution to MIV, promoting a more accurate representation of true engagement.



What changes may you expect in the data?

Increased Prominence of LittleRedBook Posts: As we have increased the importance of audience and engagement for LittleRedBook, you can expect to see more LittleRedBook posts occupying top positions in our MIV rankings. This will also impact the “share of Voice” of LittleRedBook overall, which will grow in comparison to other platforms.


Reduction in Average MIV for Douyin and Weibo: Shifting the Focus to engagement rather than the audience causes a potential reduction in the average MIV for Douyin and Weibo.  This change is a result of the reallocation of metrics and should be interpreted in the context to better align with platform dynamics.


Please note that you may notice changes in the rankings of brands for Chinese results. This should not be drastic though. We’ve identified that brands that had a lot of low virality coverage on Douyin may experience a drop in ranking while brands relying a lot on engaging smaller influencers on RED will see a rise in their MIV.




The adjustments made to our MIV on Chinese social media platforms were driven by our commitment to staying in sync with the rapidly evolving landscape. With all these improvements we've made MIV more pertinent and reflective of the current social media environment. These changes ensure that our custom metric accurately measures user engagement, content quality, and platform-specific dynamics, enabling us to make more data-driven decisions in the evolving world of Chinese social media.