Managing Event Collaboration

Written by Margot Sylvain

Last published at: August 27th, 2024


This feature is in BETA at the moment, contact your Customer Success Manager to be part of it and test this amazing feature before the general release. 





The new Events Collaboration feature in Events by Launchmetrics is designed to enhance teamwork and streamline event management by allowing multiple departments to collaborate on the same event. Departments are responsible for their own invitee list and can manage it without any disruption from other teams. 



General Overview

The collaborative aspect of Events Management applies for both web and mobile.

Event Owners

Users who have full access to the department of the event. 

  • Can modify all event-level details in an event in their department (as they can today).
    • Event details (name, date, location).
    • Seating chart configurations.
    • Publish/unpublish digital Events
  • Can define which users & departments they want to collaborate with at an event level.
    • Collaborating with a department implies that all users within that department can access the event and are considered collaborators.
  • Can modify invitee-level details (RSVP, etc) for all invitees in an event in their department.


Event Collaborators

Users who have been granted this role at the event level, either explicitly at their user level, or via their department.

  • Can see the event but cannot modify anything at the event level.
  • Can invite their own contacts and can manage their own contacts as invitees.
    • Permanent contacts from their department.
    • Temporary contacts added for the event.
  • Can read but cannot upload or delete Events documents


Contact Owners

Users who have full access to the department of the Invitee/Contact.

  • In the context of Events, they can be either Event Collaborators or Event Owners, and can see and do everything related to their Invitee/Contact.


Global contacts

Global contacts can be invited by or edited by all users regardless of department (except for Restricted Mode on the mobile app)


Managing collaborative events

Set up collaboration

For Event Owners, there is a new option called Manage Collaboration in the Options dropdown of an event in Event Manager. This collaboration is managed event by event. Your events are not collaborative by default, you need to explicitly give access to other teams. 

  1. Go to the Events Manager.
  2. Select the event you wish to invite other departments to collaborate on.
  3. Click on the "Manage Collaboration" tab.
  4. Add collaborators by selecting specific users or departments.


In Events Manager, you can navigate between owned Events and collaborative Events using the department filter. 

  1. Open the Events Manager.
  2. Use the department dropdown filter to select events by department.
  3. Departments with at least one event you have collaborative access to will be displayed with the Collaborator tag.


As an Event Owner, all options to manage your Event will be available from the options dropdown menu just like for regular events.

As an Event Collaborator, you will have fewer options regarding this event. 



Event Collaborators options for In-person Events

  • Go To:
  • ✅ Invitee Manager 
  • ✅ Events Mailing
  • 🚫 Chart Builder
  • ✅ Invitee Seating
  • ✅ Check In 
  • 🚫 Media Requests
  • ✅ Reports 
  • 🚫 Edit Details 
  • ✅ View Activity History
  • ✅ View User Notes
  • 🚫 Open Media Requests
  • 🚫 Open/Close RSVP List
  • 🚫 Hide Media Requests Denials
  • 🚫 Hide Media Requests Approvals
  • 🚫 Disable External Access ID
  • 🚫 Reset External Access ID
  • 🚫 Archive
  • 🚫 Delete (no, its admins only anyway)

✅ Option available 🚫 Option not available


Event Collaborators options for Digital Events

  • Go to
  • ✅ Invitee Manager
  • 🚫 Event page
  • ✅ Events Mailing
  • ✅ Reports
  • 🚫 Edit Details
  • ✅ View Activity History
  • ✅ View User Notes
  • 🚫 Open RSVP List
  • 🚫 Create external access ID
  • 🚫 Archive
  • 🚫 Delete

✅ Option available 🚫 Option not available



Manage invitees in collaborative Events


Regarding inviting contacts, Event Owners and Event Collaborators can:

  • “Add from contacts” only contacts from departments they have full access to, including Global if applicable
  • “Create & Invite New Contact” within their own departments
  • “Create new Event Contact” (a.k.a Temporary contact) within their own department


Regarding managing invitees,

  • Event Collaborators 
    • Can do all actions related to invitees within any department they have full access to (Contact Owner)
      • Invitee-level attributes
      • Contact-level attributes
    • Cannot do any actions related to invitees not in their department
  • Event Owners
    • Can modify any invitee-level attribute of all invitees, regardless of their department
    • Cannot modify contact-level attributes of invitees not in their department


See invitee actions detailed rules


Invitee/Contact Owner 

User (can be either Event owner or Event Collaborator) has full access to the department of the contact

Event Owner (but non-contact owner)

User that has full access to the department that owns the department but is not a Contact Owner

Event Collaborator (but non-contact owner)
User that do not have access to the department of the contact
View Contact Details ✅ Has the option 🚫 Does not have the option 🚫 Does not have the option
Edit Contact Details / Edit Invitee Details / Edit Guest Details ✅ Has the option 🚫 Does not have the option 🚫 Does not have the option
Manage Consent ✅ Has the option 🚫 Does not have the option 🚫 Does not have the option
View Activity History ✅ Has the option ✅ Has the option ✅ Has the option
View Invitee/Guest Notes ✅ Has the option ✅ Has the option ✅ Has the option
Edit Invitee/Guest Notes ✅ Has the option ✅ Has the option 🚫 Does not have the option to add, edit, delete note. But can see existing notes
Add Guest ✅ Has the option 🚫 Does not have the option 🚫 Does not have the option
Add Guest from Contacts ✅ Has the option 🚫 Does not have the option 🚫 Does not have the option
Remove Invitee ✅ Has the option ✅ Has the option 🚫 Does not have the option
Remove Guest ✅ Has the option ✅ Has the option 🚫 Does not have the option
Create as Contact ✅ Has the option 🚫 Does not have the option 🚫 Does not have the option
Convert to Invitee ✅ Has the option 🚫 Does not have the option 🚫 Does not have the option
Send Reset Password Instructions ✅ Has the option ✅ Has the option 🚫 Does not have the option
View Profile Updates ✅ Has the option 🚫 Does not have the option 🚫 Does not have the option

Profile Updates

✅ Can edit

🚫 Cannot edit

🚫 Cannot edit


✅ Can edit

✅ Can edit

🚫 Cannot edit

Invited by

✅ Can edit

✅ Can edit


🚫 Cannot edit

Active Address

(this is just the dropdown)

✅ Can edit

🚫 Cannot edit

🚫 Cannot edit

RSVP / Send RSVP Confirmation Email button

✅ Can edit

✅ Can edit

🚫 Cannot edit

Guest Limit

✅ Can edit

✅ Can edit

🚫 Cannot edit


✅ Can edit

✅ Can edit

🚫 Cannot edit

RSVP Feedback

✅ Can edit

✅ Can edit

🚫 Cannot edit

Follow Up

✅ Can edit

✅ Can edit

🚫 Cannot edit


✅ Can edit

✅ Can edit

✅ Can edit


✅ Can edit

✅ Can edit

🚫 Cannot edit

Seat Rec

✅ Can edit

✅ Can edit

🚫 Cannot edit


✅ Can edit

✅ Can edit

🚫 Cannot edit

Double Seating

✅ Can edit

✅ Can edit

🚫 Cannot edit

Send Invitee Email upon check in

✅ Can edit

✅ Can edit

🚫 Cannot edit

Send Internal notification upon check in

✅ Can edit

✅ Can edit

🚫 Cannot edit

RSVP Feedback

✅ Can edit

✅ Can edit

🚫 Cannot edit

RFID Barcode

✅ Can edit

✅ Can edit

🚫 Cannot edit


Invitee Department

From the interface or via the manual import, adding a department attribute to your invitee is now mandatory. We added some prepopulating rules to avoid extra clicks or steps on your side. 

Please note that guests of invitees will be automatically added to the invitee's department

Prepopulating rules


Global Only

Global & Department with defaulting to Global

Global & Department 

without defaulting to Global

Departments Only

Creating Contacts



Global No Default User Default
Creating Temporary Contacts Global

Event department (if user has access)

Global otherwise

Event department (if user has access)

User Default otherwise

Event department (if user has access)

User Default otherwise

Creating temporary contacts via “Quick Actions” Global

Event department (if user has access)

Global otherwise

Event department (if user has access)

User Default otherwise

Event department (if user has access)

User Default otherwise

Add Guest via Invitee

Invitee Department


Invitee Department Invitee Department Invitee Department
Importing New Invitees from Excel Template should skip asking for a department Department is Required Department is Required Department is Required

Excel Import of Updates

* field will be present in export as detail but non-functional

Completely ignored Completely ignored  Completely ignored  Completely ignored 


To help navigate between invitees from multiple departments, a department filter is available in Invitee Manager. 



Queue Options

All invitees queue actions are available to the Contact Owner and the Event Owner

  • For "Export Photos”, “Export Addresses” (aka Dots) and “Export Barcodes” queue options
    • Event Owners are allowed to queue up all invitees (for bulk actions). 
    • Event Collaborators can only queue up their own invitees/contacts.

Please note that the Event Owner who is not a Contact Owner, cannot add an invitee to a contact group nor create a contact with the invitee. 


Exporting Invitees

Users cannot export for update invitees not in their department, even if they are the Event owner.


Importing invitees

  • When importing invitees, the department attribute will be mandatory
  • When importing export for update files, any changes made to the Department column would be ignored


Enhanced invitee/contact privacy

Invitee details may need to be kept within your department as you choose to collaborate on certain events. You may want to keep certain invitee/contact information confidential and not share it with other departments working on the same event as you.

You can do so by enabling the Events Privacy feature in Admin Settings.


Invitees' first and last names will always be shared between departments, along with some non-sensitive information. Other invitee/contact details will be redacted if you're not the contact owner. See the table below for a complete overview of the viewable fields across contact owners and non-contact owners.

This will apply to any pages with invitee information or any export options.


Invitee/contact details privacy rules


Field Type

Visibility for non-contact owners

Queue Checkbox


🚫Cannot See


👤 Contact

✅ Can see


👤 Contact

✅ Can see


👤 Contact

✅ Can see

Referred By

👤 Contact

✅ Can see


👤 Contact

✅ Can see


👤 Contact

✅ Can see


👤 Contact

✅ Can see


👤 Contact

✅ Can see


👤 Contact

✅ Can see

Photo / Image

👤 Contact

✅ Can see

Gender Pronoun

👤 Contact

🚫Cannot See


👤 Contact

🚫Cannot See

Company General Telephone  

👤 Contact

🚫Cannot See

Publication Company

👤 Contact

🚫Cannot See

Title / Job Title

👤 Contact

🚫Cannot See

Job Department

👤 Contact

🚫Cannot See


👤 Contact

🚫Cannot See


👤 Contact

🚫Cannot See

Company General

👤 Contact

🚫Cannot See


👤 Contact

🚫Cannot See


👤 Contact

🚫Cannot See

Group / Contact Group

👤 Contact

🚫 Cannot see


👤 Contact

🚫 Cannot see

Profile Updates

👤 Contact

🚫 Cannot see

**All Contact Custom Fields**

👤 Contact

🚫 Cannot see

RSVP Username

👤 Contact

🚫 Cannot see


🗓️ Invitee

✅ Can see

RSVP Invitation Email

🗓️ Invitee

✅ Can see

RSVP Seating Email

🗓️ Invitee

⚠️ Can see Success/Fail messages but not the email

Invitee Custom Email

🗓️ Invitee

⚠️Can see Success/Fail messages  but not the email

Invitee Reminder Email

🗓️ Invitee

⚠️Can see Success/Fail messages  but not the email

Invitee Follow Up Email

🗓️ Invitee

⚠️Can see Success/Fail messages  but not the email

Invitee Confirmation Yes Email

🗓️ Invitee

⚠️Can see Success/Fail messages  but not the email

Invitee Confirmation No Email

🗓️ Invitee

⚠️Can see Success/Fail messages  but not the email

Invitee Check-In Email

🗓️ Invitee

⚠️Can see Success/Fail messages  but not the email

Address Labels

🗓️ Invitee

✅ Can see

Barcode Labels

🗓️ Invitee

✅ Can see

Seat Labels

🗓️ Invitee

✅ Can see


🗓️ Invitee

✅ Can see

Date Invited

🗓️ Invitee

✅ Can see

Guest Of

🗓️ Invitee

✅ Can see


🗓️ Invitee

✅ Can see

Invited by

🗓️ Invitee

✅ Can see

Active Address

(this is just the dropdown)

👤 Contact

✅ Can see

RSVP / Send RSVP Confirmation Email button

🗓️ Invitee

✅ Can see

Guest Limit

🗓️ Invitee

✅ Can see


🗓️ Invitee

✅ Can see

RSVP Feedback

🗓️ Invitee

✅ Can see

Follow Up

🗓️ Invitee

✅ Can see


🗓️ Invitee

✅ Can see


🗓️ Invitee

✅ Can see

Seat Rec

🗓️ Invitee

✅ Can see


🗓️ Invitee

✅ Can see

Double Seating

🗓️ Invitee

✅ Can see

Send Invitee Email upon check in

🗓️ Invitee

✅ Can see

Send Internal notification upon check in

🗓️ Invitee

✅ Can see

RSVP Feedback

🗓️ Invitee

✅ Can see

RFID Barcode

🗓️ Invitee

✅ Can see

Active address name

👤 Contact

🚫Cannot See

Active care of

👤 Contact

🚫Cannot See

Room #

👤 Contact

🚫Cannot See

Active Address 1

👤 Contact

🚫Cannot See

Active Address 2

👤 Contact

🚫Cannot See

Active City

👤 Contact

🚫Cannot See

Active Zip

👤 Contact

🚫Cannot See

Active State/Province

👤 Contact

🚫Cannot See

Active Country

👤 Contact

🚫Cannot See




Please note that the External Access ID is only visible to Event Owners if the Contact Privacy admin setting is enabled.


Events mailing in collaborative Events

Event Owners can add/remove any invitee to a mailing, while Event Collaborators can only add their invitees

Mailing templates can be created, seen and all attributes edited by all Event Owners & Event Collaborators alike including scheduling, sending, and mailing settings.

  • Templates with no department attributed to them, will remain at the event level.
  • Anyone can delete a mailing template.

For the automated emails - only the Event Owners can manage them (activate/inactivate/create/delete/Edit Draft/Email Address Settings/Edit Notes).

  • Event Collaborators can view the automated templates list, but without any controls to change them.   
  • Event Collaborators can view recipients


Seating chart management in collaborative Events

Chart Builder

The chart builder is only accessible to Event Owners.


Seating Invitees

Event Owners, even if they are not Contact Owners, can:

  • Assign/assign to standing/assign to priority standing/unassign seats to all invitees.
  • Take over a seat 
  • Swap seat
  • Double seat

Event Collaborators, who are Contact Owners, can:

  • Assign/assign to standing/assign to priority standing/unassign seats to their invitees.
  • Take over a seat 
    • ⚠️ If user is not the Contact owner of the seat occupant then they cannot perform this action
  • Swap seat
    • ⚠️ If user is not the Contact owner of the seat occupant then they cannot perform this action
  • Double seat on any invitees

Event Collaborators, who are not Contact Owners, cannot:

  • Assign/assign to standing/assign to priority standing/unassign seats to another department's invitee
  • Take over a seat from another department's invitee
  • Swap seat from another department's invitee


Empty seat actions

Event Owners can:

  • Block/unblock a seat
  • Search invitees
    • If Events Privacy is enabled, events owner can not search contacts by redactable fields

Event Collaborators cannot block/unblock a seat.

Event Collaborators can search invitees for which they are Contact Owners.


Check-in Invitees in collaborative Events

Anyone can check in invitees, regardless of whether they are Contact Owners, on both desktop and iOS app.


Reporting in collaborative Events

All reports are accessible by Event Owners or Event Collaborators, redaction rules will apply if the Events Privacy feature is enabled.


Media Requests

Media Request is not compatible with collaborative events.