Events Manager

Events Manager View all past and future events and select your active event TIPS: View Archived Events by ticking the box above the search button. Hover over the question mark for a color tool tip. Add specific search fields to your search wizard with "Search Layout Preferences". In the gray bar under the tabs, see which event

Written by Enrique Deolarte

Last published at: May 19th, 2023

Events Manager

View all past and future events and select your active event

  • View Archived Events by ticking the box above the search button.
  • Hover over the question mark for a color tool tip.
  • Add specific search fields to your search wizard with "Search Layout Preferences".
  • In the gray bar under the tabs, see which event is currently active. To work on a different event, you need to select the tab you want to navigate to from the Options drop-down next to the event name.
  • Select "External Access ID" from Layout Preferences to give someone access to the invitee list and seating chart without giving them access to edit the event.