New Inspirational Homepage / June 28th, 2022

Find the latest releases at the top, and inspiration from ongoing trends this season!

Written by Melchior M

Last published at: August 19th, 2022

 🗓 released June 28th

✨ New Inspirational Content on Homepage

The aim of this new homepage is twofold: (1) giving you access to the latest content, quickly and easily; and (2) providing inspiration to write articles on the current season. 

Now, you are able to see the latest content at a glance, and then scroll down for inspiration.

✅ How does it work?

  • New "Latest Content" Sections: 
    • Latest Collections: Find the content from the last 45 days at the top of the homepage. It is sorted by release date, but you can filter by collection as well.
    • Backstage, Beauty Portraits, & Street Fashion: a specific focus on our latest content from these hot categories
  • New "Inspiration" Sections: these are from the season that is coming up in the "ordinary" calendar. For example, in April, we will show content for this upcoming Spring Summer (even though the shows happened back in September). This way, you can use this content to write articles for "this summer's upcoming trends".
    • More Beauty content, organized by Hairstyles.
    • A focus on Clothes and Accessories, organized by tag.