Samples Release / February 13th, 2023

Written by Margot Sylvain

Last published at: September 29th, 2023

 🗓 released February 13th

✨ FTP Processing : Department & External Serial

We created a new FTP Map that can process samples inventory updates by Department + External Serial.

It supports the same fields as regular Inventory Update FTP Map, but the sample identification (and thus the bare minimum set of required fields) will be done by Department + External Serial.

✨ FTP Maps : Add string hashing functions

We added a string hashing functions in FTP maps (mapping any kind of data of arbitrary size to fixed-size values).

The output should not contain any characters mappable to html entities nor exceed 50 characters. It also have a very small chance of collision. 

UNIQUEID() produces 32 hex characters that are unique and doesn't require any input.

MD5(...) also produces a 32 hex character string but does take user input.

✅ FTP Maps : Special characters

We can now handle special characters in FTP Mapping formulas (' " < > &) and any formula that seeks to read text up to a certain offset or from a certain offset onward.