Pricing For Single Image Downloads

Written by Melchior M

Last published at: July 24th, 2024

If your magazine has a “single image” contract with Launchmetrics Spotlight, you pay for every non-watermarked image you download.

For optimal transparency, the prices for images are displayed during the download process:

Screenshot of all the options available to a Single Image Contract

Here are all the options available and their respective pixel size:

Spotlight Image Sizes & Prices Table

  Target Pixel Size DPI Unit Price (for Single Image Contracts)
Watermark (free) 1980px (long side) 300DPI FREE
Print 1/8 Page 1024px (long side) 300DPI 60€
Print 1/2 Page  2500px (long side) 300DPI 100€
Print Double Page Original HD size (~3900px long side) 300DPI 140€
Web Resolution 1980px (long side) 72DPI 40€
Low Resolution (only for Unlimited contracts) 720px (long side) 72DPI -
Video High Resolution 1080p - 300€

Note on Lightboxes

  • Mixed Content Lightboxes: If you try to download a lightbox with a mix of images and videos, you will see a toaster message telling you to create a specific lightbox for videos. You can still download the images.
  • Lightboxes containing Videos only: Displays only download options for videos.
  • Lightboxes containing Images only: Download is allowed without a warning toaster.
  • Watermark Option: Download is allowed without a warning toaster.

The currency is set to € for all users, regardless of your language.