As the most important part of our website is the content we provide, we strive to always provide you with the highest quality images/videos possible.
We always provide you with 300DPI for print, and 72DPI for web.
For reference, here are the sizes we strive to provide you with:
Target Pixel Size | DPI | |
Watermark (free) | 1980px (long side) | 300DPI |
1/4 Page Print | 1980px (long side) | 300DPI |
1/2 Page Print | 2500px (long side) | 300DPI |
Full Page Print | Original size (~3900px long side) | 300DPI |
Web Resolution | 1980px (long side) |
72DPI |
Low Resolution (only for Unlimited contracts) | 720px (long side) | 72DPI |
Yet, as you might have noticed, not all images are always of the above pixel size. Let's run through the possible reasons why.
(⚠️ Note: if a higher resolution image is not available, we never upscale our images to a higher resolution, we will just give you the highest resolution we have.)
Right After a Show
Right as we are shooting a fashion show, our photographers are uploading their images–live–to our team of specialists, who select, crop, and color-correct every image. Since our photographers are on location, and since we want to give you access to the content as fast as possible, the initial upload is in limited size. The files are jpeg, not RAW, and they are 2500px in their largest dimension.
If you download the file then, it will look like this:
Initial Image upload, right after the fashion show. 2500px high.
2-3 hours after the show, we replace these images with higher resolution files. We correct those files again using the RAW file for crisper details and a sharper color profile.
You can download the image again at this time for our highest quality. Typically, runway full length images are now 3800px+ in their largest dimension.
Second upload in our highest quality. 2-3 hours after the show. 3860px high.
Details and Beauty (until FW22)
Some of our categories of content are sometimes in lower resolution. This is especially true for older content, and still remains up to the Fall-Winter 2022 season.
Here is an example, where the highest dimension is only about 2800px.
Details image that is 2784px high.
"Press Office", or "PO" Images
Some images on our platform are provided by the "Press Office" of the Brand, directly. Most of the time, the Press Office provides high resolution and high quality images.
Sometimes, however, especially for older seasons and for presentations, the images we were provided with are a lower resolution. We always strive to ask for the high res, but if we could not get it, then it often simply does not exist.
Example of an older image (2017) whose highest dimension available is 1740px