If you are having trouble with the deliveries of mailings, please try whitelisting Launchmetrics IP address.
You can request this from the support team: Support@launchmetrics.com.
Below outlines the most common failed email errors and what you can do to correct them.
Error message | Explanation |
Your message was rejected due to its content |
This email content contains words or images that the recipient’s mailbox rejects. |
The email address is invalid |
The recipient’s email address no longer exists. |
The email address is unsubscribed |
The recipient has opted our of receiving emails from your site, the person must access the unsubscribe link again to re-subscribe. |
The domain of the email address is invalid |
The email address domain (ex. @domain.com) is not a valid domain. |
The email address is not in a valid format |
Please check that the format of the email address is correct (spelled correctly, no symbols, etc.). |
The email address was rejected |
Something is wrong with the actual email address. It may not exist or may not be active. |
The recipient’s mailbox is full or over quota |
The recipient’s mailbox is full. Contact the recipient and tell them to clear some space in their mailbox |
Recipient email account is inactive/disabled |
Something is wrong with the actual email address. It may not exist or may not be active. |
Your email address was rejected |
The recipient’s anti-virus may be blocking the delivery of your email. |
Protocol error, invalid command or timeout |
There is a problem with the recipient’s server. Please contact the recipient. |
Unable to connect to recipient’s mail server |
There is a problem with the recipient’s server. Please contact the recipient. |
Your message was rejected because the receiving server is not accepting mail for the destination domain |
There is a problem with the recipient’s server. Please contact the recipient. |
Requested mail action aborted, Mailbox not found | The recipient mailbox is no longer available (the mailbox was deleted due to the inactivity state of the account) - or the mailbox is full and can no longer receive additional emails. |
No such user here in response | The recipient's email address doesn’t exist (maybe it was incorrect introduced in the system) |
Your message was rejected due to content | The email was rejected by the recipient server which probably has a filter that parses the incoming messages, and didn’t liked the content of these email, probably it was considered spam. |
Out of office / Auto-reply |
Out of office replies are included in the “Failed” tab to call attention to this individual, in case you would like to forward the invite elsewhere. The invite was delivered to the recipient’s inbox. |
This email address is on a suppression list |
The recipient flagged a Launchmetrics email as abuse. They must request to be removed from this suppression list. |
550 Rejected by header based Anti-Spoofing policy |
The email FROM domain is the same as the email TO domain and the customer's IT has set up a spam filter.
[Permanent failure] Name service error for xxxx.xxx Type=A: Host not found. | The domain name to which you sent the message does not exist. Usually, this means you misspelled the domain name, but it may indicate a problem with the domain's record that prevents the domain from being found. |
[Permanent failure] 550 RCPT TO:<xxxx@xxx.xx> User unknown In response to the RCPT TO command.. | The recipient’s email address does not exist. Most likely you used a wrong or misspelled email address (check the address for typos) or the person you sent the mail to doesn’t exist anymore at the company you’re trying to send the mail to. |
Failed delivery to the Primary Email xxxx@xxx.xx on XX/xx/XXXX xx:xx. Reason: [Permanent failure] 5.0.0. | The email message could not be delivered because of an unknown issue. The recipient server did not disclose the reason it rejected the message. |