✅ Improved MIV for online content
MIV for online content can now consider your brand positioning within an article.
In the past, the MIV for an online placement was attributed to the article as a whole.
A good performing article in a top media would invariably report a high MIV value, even if the article was not about your brand, specifically.
In practice, this meant giving a high MIV for articles that did not report a high ROI, and even to competitor's placements that just mentioned your brand casually. Our algorithm attributed the same MIV to all brands mentioned in an article, regardless of the number of times they were mentioned, or where these mentions happened.
The new formula recognizes the importance of a brand's occurrence and placement within the content and offers a more nuanced evaluation of its relevance.

In order to make the transition to the new MIV for online in Discover as smooth as possible, the new MIV calculation can be applied to feeds in a progressive manner, and planned in advance in coordination with your Customer Success Manager.
Depending on your Feed configuration, the transition can take a minute or require a couple of days, but we've got you covered, and you will be able to recover data or keep past data to smoothen the transition.
This update, upon activation in your tenant, has an impact different parts of your experience in Discover:
New indicator in Feed Results page
The first thing you will notice once this feature is activated in your tenant is that you will see a brand name in the MIV indicator in the Feed Results page.
In some cases, a placement may include mentions to more than one brand, and be captured in multiple feeds, linked to different brands. When this happens you will see multiple badges, with the different MIV values for each of the brands.

There are no changes in the layouts of reports and the only impact you will notice is a new configuration option to select a Brand for the report generation.
When a Brand is selected, you'll be able to create a report for any Print and Social feeds, and for any Online feeds that are linked to the selected brand.
- If you wish to create reports for multiple brands, you will be able to repeat the operation to include feeds related to other brands.
- If no brand is selected, only feeds not linked to any brand will be available for selection, together with any Print and Social feeds in the Focus.

When a Brand is selected, you'll be able to create a newsletter for any Print and Social feeds, and for any Online feeds that are linked to the selected brand.
- If you wish to create newsletters for multiple brands, you will be able to repeat the operation to include feeds related to other brands.
- If no brand is selected, only feeds not linked to any brand will be available for selection, together with any Print and Social feeds in the Focus.
MIV Calculation
if you decide to adopt the new algorithm for online MIV, you will see a change on the numbers and evolution, specially when looking at placement level. The MIV can be significantly higher or lower for individual articles, as new factors are considered - which we will go over shortly.
While we expect a big variation for individual placements, the MIV formula is fine tuned to ensure the overall trend of your online MIV should not have a large variation.
With the Branded MIV improvement, each brand mentioned in an Online article will receive a different MIV, thanks to new factors that were recently introduced:
Brand Occurrences | The number of occurrences of a brand within an article. The more occurrences a brand has, the higher its MIV. |
Distribution of Brand Occurrences | The distribution or brand occurrences within crucial sections of an article now increases or decreases the MIV for the brand. |
Mentions in the title | If the brand is mentioned in the title the value of the article for that brand will significantly improve |
Even distribution of multiple mentions | If there are multiple brand occurrences the optimal distribution for the brand is an even repartition throughout the article |
Early presence of single mentions | If there is only one brand mention the optimal distribution is at the top of the article |
The new formula recognizes the importance of a brand's occurrence and placement within the content and offer a more nuanced evaluation of its relevance. It also allows for a more precise understanding of a brand's performance within an article compared to the other brands in the same article.
For a group, the branded MIV will be the sum of the branded MIV of all the brands that are part of the group.
Historical recoveries
When recovering content for an online feed where a brand is selected, Discover will apply the new MIV calculation. This is helpful to align past periods to the new MIV method during the transition.
There are no changes to the recovery periods available for online content, which is up to 12 full months back counting from the time of the recovery.