Updated July 26th, 2024 by elena cristiano

How to use the search bar

The search bar can be used to 1) find specific URL within the online channel or 2) can be used to search for specific content within all the three channels by using boolean queries. To find a specific URL within the online channel: Select the right period of time in the date section and type the desired URL in the search bar as shown in the example ...

0 min reading time
Updated September 18th, 2024 by elena cristiano

Generating a Periodic Report

Generating a Campaign Report Learn to generate a Periodic PowerPoint report on your Feeds Click the Reports tab to get started! The first step to creating reports is selecting the Focus which you want your reports to focus on. Click here to learn more about creating monitoring Focus. Click here to learn more about creating new Feeds. Click here to l...

0 min reading time
Updated April 4th, 2024 by elena cristiano

Learn how to maximize your filters' full potential

Filtering experience in Discover   Search & Exclude In most filters, you will see a Search box at the top of the options where you can enter text to find matching filters. At the bottom of the field list, on the left side, you now have an Exclude toggle. You can combine first-level and second-level exclusions, and activating the option will excl...

4 min reading time
Updated October 26th, 2023 by elena cristiano

How to export Data Reports from the articles page

Export Data Reports from the articles page Create better reports, faster and with less effort. If you use Discover's excel Data Reports to do your brand impact analysis, you will love this new feature:     Less steps: No need to leave the articles page to export the data. Exports, right where you are! Less repetition: Export xls data for multiple fo...

0 min reading time
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